Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Union County Council Considers Tax Hike

From the Palladium-Item:

"The Union County Council might raise one tax and lower another.

Auditor Gene Sanford on Thursday said the council should think about raising the tax rate on the Cumulative Capital Development Fund. Some items now paid from the general fund could be paid from the cumulative fund, which is not at its maximum tax levy, he said.

Raising the CCDF rate by 1.5 cents per $100 of assessed property value would generate nearly $48,000 for the county while having a small impact on taxpayers, Sanford said. A police cruiser will be purchased from the cumulative fund this year, saving general fund revenues, a fund that's at the maximum tax levy, he said.

Councilman Burke Thomas asked the council to consider reducing wheel tax rates for small trailers, a fee some owners have protested, he said. The council will research the possible impact on revenues from a reduction in the tax and also whether a public hearing is required to lower a tax rate."
