Thursday, December 5, 2013

Leader Reports Washington County to Put Tax Certificates Up for Sale

From the Salem Leader:

The Washington County Commissioners recently learned they are the proud owners of 25 tax sale certificates.

Joe Edwards, with SRI, the company that conducts tax sales for the county, met with the commissioners during their Nov. 19 meeting and explained the certificates are what is left from a recent tax sale. He said they represent about $50,0000 in property taxes that are owed the county.

Edwards explained that some of the certificates have been through several sales. The property owners are not those who are only a payment behind, but owners who are at least a year and a half behind.

He added that many are vacant lots which attract little interest except perhaps from a neighboring property owner who might be interested in purchasing the lot at a reduced price.

Edwards said the commissioners could sell the parcels for whatever they want in an effort to get the property back on the tax roles.

"(It's) an assignment process," Edwards said. "It allows you folks to assign this certificate you hold to a buyer."

Commissioner Phil Marshall asked how important it was to hold a sale. Edwards explained the certificates represents money that didn't make it into the budget. Returning that money to the county benefits other taxpayers, whose taxes might go up otherwise. Getting property back on the tax role also helps prevent the property from appearing blighted and abandoned which doesn't help the community's image.
