Thursday, June 27, 2013

Riley: Consultant Answer for Delaware County Budget Shortfall

By Larry Riley in the Muncie Star-Press:

How do I tax thee? Let me count the ways.

Oh, and if any more ways are available, Delaware County government wants to know about them. Care for a few new ones?

The most important question asked of H.J. Umbaugh & Associates, consultants for Delaware County commissioners and by default the county council, evidently was, “How can we squeeze more money out of county taxpayers?”

Silly me for thinking anything else when the Indianapolis-based accounting firm contracted for up to $25,000 to tell local government what its financial status is, notwithstanding that’s what the county auditor does.

The long awaited report from the consultant got delivered to a joint meeting of commissioners and council on Monday, and one must admit the lead consultant said her report was “to include suggestions to fund budget shortfalls.”

Not to address the shortfalls or suggest trimming the budget to reduce shortfalls, which, again one must admit, is the job of county officials, not consultants.

But if county officials won’t do their jobs, maybe we could farm the task out to somebody else.
Though perhaps not these consultants, whose summary of the county’s finances sounded downright rosy.

To wit, on the overall budget, said CPA Paige Sansone, “You’re not in critical condition at all.” Oh?
Then she called the rainy day fund “healthy.” Healthy? As of June 4, the rainy day fund had a grand total of $43,333.25, and all of that is reserved to pay attorney fees (which won’t be enough) in the county’s legal battle with its own judiciary over mandated appropriations.

To make regular operating expense ends meet in March, the council borrowed $2.9 million from the rainy day fund with little hope of repayment.

The council also, speaking of “health,” raided the rainy day fund for $1 million in February and March to pay health care costs of county employees.

See the full article here: