Monday, December 9, 2013

State Budget Agency Publishes Revenue Report for November


The monthly revenue report of November 2013 state tax collections was released today.  


 State general fund revenues for November were $908.1 million, $76.8 million (7.8%) below target based on the most recent forecast updated on April 16, 2013. For the first five months of FY 2014, total general fund revenues were $5,409.8 million.

 Sales tax collections were $23.1 million (4.1%) below target for the month and $72.1 million below forecast for the year. The redirection of sales tax under HEA 1001-2013 accounts for $28.8 million of the year-to-date difference.

 Individual income tax collections totaled $304.4 million for November, $41.1 million (11.9%) below target for the month. For the first five months of FY 2014, individual income tax collections were $108.2 million below forecast at $1,805 million.

 Corporate income tax collections were $5.9 million below target for the month and $19.9 million (7.5%) above forecast for the first five months.

 Gaming revenues were $6.5 million below target for the month and $4.7 million below forecast for the year.  


Through the first five months of FY 2014, state general fund revenues were $141.3 million below target based on the most recent revenue forecast updated on April 16, 2013. State general fund revenues were $101.6 million (1.8%) lower than in the first five months of FY 2013.

The state budget (HEA 1001-2013) was enacted after the April 2013 forecast. Only three tax changes in the state budget affect FY 2014 revenue anticipated by the forecast. First, HEA 1001-2013 redirected 1% of sales tax collections to the motor vehicle highway fund thereby reducing general fund collections by $28.8 million through November 2013. Absent that change, sales tax collections would have increased by 3% over the same period last year. The April 2013 forecast projected sales tax collections would grow by 3.9% for the year. Second, HEA 1001-2013 eliminated the inheritance tax. Third, HEA 1001-2013 reduced the financial institutions tax. Taking into account these tax changes, revenue collections are still $106.9M below expectations for the first five months of FY 2014.  

Individual income tax was $108.2 million below target for the first five months and $87.8 million below the same period in FY 2013. Transfers were made to the LOIT reserve fund in the first five months totaling $98.9 million (there was no transfer in the first five months of July through November 2012), resulting in a year-over-year reduction in individual income tax revenue. A LOIT reserve transfer in the amount of $91 million was made in accordance with the December 2012 revenue forecast.  

Through the first five months of FY 2014, corporate income tax collections were $19.9 million (7.5%) above the forecast target, but 8.6% below the same period last year.