Plenty of issues are getting headlines out of the statehouse in Indianapolis — prohibiting same-sex marriage, preschool funding, repealing the business property tax.
Those aren’t the only issues, though.
Following is a look at some of the proposals authored (unless otherwise noted) by Elkhart County’s delegation to the Indiana House. To the right is a map showing what part of Elkhart County each lawmaker represents.
Rep. Wes Culver, R-Goshen, District 49
Property valuations: House Bill 1065 places limits on the growth in the assessed valuation of real estate that’s had its value adjusted in a property tax appeal.
Income tax distributions: House Bill 1281 , echoing legislation Culver unsuccessfully proposed last year, aims to make the state return all income tax revenue due a county. Many Elkhart County officials maintain that the income tax revenue returned here from Indiana finance authorities falls short of the funds sent in the form of withholding taxes by employers to Indianapolis. Look here for an article on Culver’s initiative last year.
Rep. Tim Neese, R-Elkhart, District 48
RV sales tax: House Bill 1109 , co-authored by Neese, would eliminate the sales tax on recreational vehicles sold to out-of-state buyers. Look here for more.
Rep. Tim Wesco, R-Osceola, District 21
Local option income tax: House Bill 1405 would give individual counties a new type of local income tax to implement to help offset losses due to property tax caps. Specifically, his proposal — sought by Elkhart County officials — would permit implementation of a new tax to offset up to 75 percent of tax cap losses, but not larger than 1 percent.