Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Times Reports Porter County Commissioners Approve Tax Rate Increase

From the Northwest Indiana Times:

The Porter County Board of Commissioners gave initial approval Tuesday to raising to the maximum level one of the tax rates used to fund county government.
Porter County Commissioner President John Evans, R-North, said in a prepared statement the increase of the cumulative capital development fund rate amounts to an additional 25 cents a month for a home with an assessed value of $150,000 that is receiving homestead and standard deductions.
He said those at the tax cap will not pay the increase and it will be neutralized for others by a juvenile bond that was paid off and thus no longer being charged to taxpayers.
While no clear opposition or support was voiced by the public during a hearing Tuesday, 50 or more affected taxpayers have 30 days to file a petition with the county auditor setting forth their objections to trigger a hearing before the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance, according to an official notice.
If there are no objections, the DLGF will consider whether to approve or reject the currently proposed tax rate increase.