Monday, May 20, 2013

Daily Journal Reports Bargersville Fire Protection District Seeks Increase in Tax Rate

From the Johnson County Daily Journal:

The fire district with the highest tax rate in the county is looking to increase taxes more to help with future equipment purchases and to reduce debt.

The Bargersville Fire Protection District is asking to increase its tax rate about 6 percent in 2014. The increase would raise $150,000 extra per year for a capital fund, which can be used to purchase new firefighting equipment and vehicles.

The department then could make purchases with cash, instead of having to take out loans, Fire Chief Jason Ramey said. The fire district could stop borrowing in order to buy new vehicles, which would save money spent on legal fees and interest, Ramey said.

But homeowners, firefighters and businesses who already pay the highest fire department tax rate in the county would be asked to pay even more.