Monday, May 27, 2013

IBJ Reports 40% of School Districts to See no Funding Increase

From the Indianapolis Business Journal:

The new state budget that increases funding for schools the next two years won't benefit every Indiana school district.

Terry Spradlin of Indiana University's Center for Evaluation and Education Policy told the Tribune-Star of Terre Haute that more than 40 percent of Indiana's school districts will see no increase in funding. Some could even see a decrease.

That's because of shifts in how school funding is awarded.

The two-year budget approved by lawmakers last month calls for a 2 percent increase in funding next year and a 1 percent increase the following year.

Spradlin notes that the 1 percent increase is below inflation and could leave districts struggling to avoid cuts.

Vigo County Superintendent Dan Tanoos says the additional funding doesn't make up for cuts under former Gov. Mitch Daniels' administration.