Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tribune Reports Porter Hires Umbaugh & Associates to Find Cost Savings and New Revenue Streams

From the Chesterton Tribune:

The Porter Town Council entered into a financial services contract Tuesday with Umbaugh & Associates to conduct studies aimed at identifying cost containment and potential revenue streams.

Council member Greg Stinson said in light of Indiana’s property-tax circuit breaker and other factors that lead to declining revenue, the town can use a fresh set of eyes to look at the situation.

“At the end of the day it will be very helpful to have an analysis,” he noted.

Porter’s financial advisor has been Cender & Company, which will continue as a consultant, Stinson said, but Umbaugh will be engaged on an hourly basis to do the cost/revenue studies. After the meeting he indicated they can be done department by department after first obtaining estimates to control spending on the project.