From the Elkhart Truth:
The Elkhart County Auditor’s Office is accepting applications for mobile home property tax deductions until April 1.
Mobile home owners as of Jan. 15 may qualify for a mortgage, homestead, over 65, over 65 circuit breaker, veteran’s disability, blind or disabled deduction. Residents who have previously filed these deductions do not have to re-file unless they have purchased a new mobile home or moved to a new address. Proof of ownership and a copy of loan papers must be presented to the county auditor’s office.
For details on eligibility requirements for each deduction category, call 535-6710 or 535-6720 or visit and click the auditor link.
The county auditor’s office is located at 117 N. Second St. in Goshen. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday through Friday.