Saturday, May 11, 2013

NWI Reports Governor Orders Cuts in Calumet Township Spending

From the Northwest Indiana Times:

Griffith leaders were ecstatic Friday after Republican Gov. Mike Pence signed into law mandatory reductions in Calumet Township spending and a path for Griffith to exit the township if its excessive spending continues.

"After many years of trying, we're finally going to get needed relief from the township," said Rick Ryfa, a Griffith town councilman.

House Enrolled Act 1585 gives Calumet Township until the end of the year to reduce its township assistance tax rate used for poor relief programs to no more than 12 times the state average. It is currently 22.64 times the state average, a rate nearly three times greater than the next-highest township.

If the township does not reduce its assistance tax rate by 2014, the Indiana Distressed Unit Appeals Board then can appoint an emergency manager to run the township, which includes parts of Griffith, Gary, Lake Station and unincorporated Lake County.

In 2015, if the township assistance tax rate remains above 12 times the state average, Griffith is entitled to hold a referendum on leaving Calumet Township and joining another.


See the full article here: