Saturday, May 11, 2013

Star Report Governor Signs Marion County Reform Legislation

From the Indianapolis Star:

Mayor Greg Ballard has released a one sentence statement on Gov. Mike Pence’s signing of SB621:

“I applaud Governor Mike Pence and the Indiana General Assembly’s decision to protect Marion County taxpayers, promote economic development and strengthen the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.”

Gov. Mike Pence has signed Senate Bill 621, which eliminates four at-large City-County Council seats in 2015 and makes other controversial changes in Marion County government.

“Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 621 came to my desk in the midst of no small amount of controversy,’’ Pence said in a news release announcing his action.

“Given the competing views of this legislation, I have made a point to meet with supporters and opponents and have given careful consideration to their viewpoints. Hoosiers with differing views on this legislation have made thoughtful arguments, and I respect the opinions expressed by both sides.

“Unfortunately, what began as a serious effort to strengthen Indianapolis’ economic and fiscal condition got clouded by politics. In making my decision, I focused exclusively on the policy and what would be in the best interest of the people of Indiana.

“Despite my misgivings about certain aspects of SEA 621, I am signing this legislation because it serves the public interest by granting to the current Mayor of Indianapolis—and any future Mayor of either political party—the authority to manage the City’s finances in a manner that protects taxpayers and encourages economic development and job creation.”

Maggie Lewis, the Democratic president of the City-County Council, sent out the following note in reaction on her Twitter feed: “Today SB 621 became law eliminating at-large members. My goal is to continue to do the work of the people and focus on results.’’

See the full article here: