The purpose of
this email is to announce that the Department has posted the August estimates of
the 2014 Local Option Income Tax Distribution reports on its webpage at the
following location: These reports provide
information on the estimated 2014 distribution of the following local option
income taxes to individual taxing units: County Adjusted Gross Income Tax
(CAGIT), CAGIT Public Safety, County Economic Development Income Tax (CEDIT),
County Option Income Tax (COIT) and COIT Public Safety.
Pursuant to
SEA 544-2013, the State Budget Agency (SBA) shall provide each county auditor an
estimate of the amount of income tax revenue available for distribution in the
ensuing year before August 2. SBA shall then provide each county auditor the
official certification of the amount of income tax revenue available for
distribution in the ensuing year before October 1. The unit-level distributions
posted at the above location are based on the August estimates. Official
unit-level distributions will be made available in early October after SBA's
certification of the actual values available for distribution. At that time,
the final distribution reports will also be posted individually on the
Department’s webpage under County Specific Information.
auditors should provide these unit-level distributions to each taxing unit in
the county to assist with the 2014 budget adoption process.
Questions on
the local option income tax reports can be directed to Courtney Schaafsma,
Budget Director, at or