Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sun-Commercial Reports Printing Snafu Leads to Incorrect Property Tax Bills Sent Out

From the Vincennes Sun-Commercial:

What possibly could have been a boon for Starke County now won’t be as a printing snafu was caught and corrected.

County treasurer Sharon Duke said a mix-up with the vendor that was hired to produce the county’s property-tax statements the bills caused some 1,500 bills to have the wrong instructions on them.

“The company also prints for Knox, Ind., which is in Starke County, so they put on about 1,500 of our bills to send them back to Starke County, which is obviously incorrect,” Duke said. “The billing portion of the statement is correct, but the directions are not.”

The company, she said, has issued reprints to all of the affected recipients.

“They think they’ve caught all of their mistakes, but if someone has one of the wrong ones, I hope they’re able to figure out that they actually go to Knox County,” Duke explained. “On top of indicating the bills should be returned to Starke County, the bills may also say that it’s Knox, Ind., when in fact the city should read Vincennes.”

If a property owner has already made a tax payment and received a corrected bill, Duke said to destroy it.

“For the taxpayers who got a bill that says ‘Starke County’ they can destroy those,” she explained. “If you’ve already paid your taxes, don’t worry about it then, you’re not getting billed again, this is just a correction to an error the printer made.”

The flawed bills, she added, will not be cause for penalties to be removed after the May 10 deadline.


See the full article here: