Monday, July 29, 2013

Tribune Reports Error Found in Tipton Account

From the Kokomo Tribune:

It now appears a bookkeeping error in the Tipton County Auditor’s office had members of the county council wondering where an additional $200,000 would be found to pay for health insurance.

Council members earlier this month were informed by Auditor Greg Townsend that the $150,000 budgeted for Group Medical insurance was spent by the end of June.

The account was $15,784 in the red at the time and a $16,919 transfer from the County Adjusted Gross Income Tax was only enough for one month.

Townsend said Friday that a bookkeeping error might have resulted in Group Medical insurance being made from the CAGIT account instead of from the budgets of the Highway and Health Departments.

“It will be a significant amount being reimbursed to the CAGIT account,” he said. “The funds should have come from the departmental budgets.”