Thursday, January 10, 2013

Error Cuts $3 Million from Boone County Budget

From the Lebanon Reporter:

A clerical mistake has technically left Boone County’s 2013 budget $3 million short, but it will be faster to appropriate the money than go through an appeal process with the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance.

The error came because someone — it’s uncertain who — manually overrode a computer program that should have submitted the correct amount to the DLGF, which oversees local government spending.

No impact should be felt by taxpayers, Boone County Auditor Deanna Willhoite said. She’s talked with DLGF officials who assured her that none of the county’s tax rates will change because of the mistake.

Willhoite, in an email, said four funds accounted for most of the shortages; the county council had approved a total of $14,714,893 for the general, reassessment, highway and health department funds combined, but the state approved $11,584,260.