Thursday, October 24, 2013

Times Reports Porter County's Budget Exceeds Revenue

From the Northwest Indiana Times:

The Porter County Council signed off Tuesday night on a $38.5 million general fund budget for 2014 that includes $1,000 employee pay raises and nine new jailers needed to open the third pod at that facility.

The budget exceeds incoming revenue, which means the county is going to have to dip into income tax proceeds and interest on the money generated from the 2007 sale of the county hospital.

It also required the council to decrease the money set aside for health insurance by $2.5 million, which some members predicted would have to be restored later next year.

Councilman Jim Biggs, R-1st, who opposed the budget along with Councilman Jim Polarek, R-4th, predicted the pay raises will eventually result in job cuts or a new tax because of the additional cost.

County Council President Bob Poparad, D-at-large, wrapped up a lengthy and heated debate over the budget by predicting the county will eventually need to direct all income tax revenue toward operational costs to make up for shortfalls in property tax revenues.

"We're just kicking the can a little bit down the road," he said.

The commissioners, who resist turning over their control of a majority of that income tax revenue, appeared Tuesday with a few proposals designed to brighten the county's financial picture by increasing revenue.