Thursday, July 26, 2012

Property Owners that did not Receive their Form 11s in Monroe County Urged to Call Assessor's Office

From the Bloomington Herald-Times:

Monroe County property owners who did not get a statement of the assessed value of all their parcels last week should visit the county auditor’s office to request their “Form 11s.”

Why bother?

The assessed value of a property is used to calculate the property taxes the owner will pay in 2013. The assessed value can be a factor in setting the sales price of a property if it is to be sold, and many people use it to calculate their personal net wealth.

The assessed value of many properties in Indiana has changed drastically in recent years as state policy changed to require that assessed values reflect fair market value.

Those who disagree with the assessed value of a property can challenge the figure by calling or visiting the assessor’s office. They can even arrange to have a “facilitation hearing” with Sharp and a state official to attempt to resolve the disagreement.

If that process does not resolve the conflict, property owners have until Aug. 31 to appeal the assessed value of their property with the state Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals.