Thursday, July 26, 2012

Shelbyville 2012 Budget in Limbo as 2013 Being Planned

From the Shelbyville News:

The City of Shelbyville is still waiting for answers in regards to its 2012 budget, even as the 2013 budget season is under way.

The questions come as the city expects to have to make almost $1 million in appropriations sometime in the next several months to keep some departments going through the end of the year. The city likely will be able to make most of those appropriations without too much of an issue, but the worst issue -- insurance costs -- looms heavily over officials.

The state has already asked the city and every other Shelby County government entity what for a projected 2013 budget and what their current financial situation looks like.

"We had to ask department heads what they think they might need," Shelbyville Clerk-Treasurer Frank Zerr said.

But, still this year, under the 2012 budget, some city departments have indicated they need more money budgeted for salary-related issues and other department expenses, Zerr said.

The budget was cut at the end of of last year by the Shelbyville Common Council to help meet revenue projections.

And, earlier this year, the state allowed the city to budget less in the general fund than originally projected. That caused the city to temporarily cut more than $100,000 from the fire department salary budget to make state auditors happy.

In all, city department estimate they will need about $400,000 extra.
The council will vote for a first draft of 2013 budget at council meetings Sept. 17 and Oct. 15.

The council is expected to vote on additional appropriations, too, in a few months, after Zerr has a clearer picture of what revenues will be.