Friday, September 14, 2012

Elkhart County Council Proposes First Budget Cuts

From the Elkhart Truth:

The Elkhart County Council is getting closer to its goal of cutting $3 million from the county’s budget for the upcoming year.

Council members reviewed department budgets Thursday to see where they could trim spending before dipping into the county’s reserves. The group came up with a few recommendations and will continue to meet with department heads about further budget reductions.

The county plans to balance the budget using up to $800,000 of rainy day money from the county adjusted gross income tax, or CAGIT, set aside a few years ago, and possibly some money from the economic development income tax, or EDIT, which is primarily used for road projects.

See the article for a list of the suggested cuts and other financial adjustments the county council has proposed to help balance the county’s 2013 budget: