From the Kokomo Tribune:
"Miami County officials are considering more aggressive tactics to collect over $1.2 million in unpaid personal property taxes in the county.
Treasurer Rebecca Morris approached county commissioners Monday about potentially levying the bank accounts of individuals and businesses that owe past-due personal property taxes.
She said currently 1,244 people or businesses have received judgments for unpaid taxes.
Morris said the Indiana state code allows counties to enter the bank accounts of entities with property tax judgments and take the money to pay the taxes, but noted the county simply hasn’t pursued such assertive measures.
She said the county should also consider partially withholding payment to vendors contracted to do work for government entities like townships, schools and cities that owe personal property taxes.
Commissioner Josh Francis said the proposal made sense.
“I agree we definitely need to find a way to get that money,” he said. “It’s not right that they’re getting paid by tax dollars when they owe taxes and obviously have no intentions of paying them.”
Morris said one culprit for the mound of unpaid taxes is a state law requiring tax judgments be forgiven after 10 years, which she said is a “common occurrence” in Miami County.
“I know there are people who work the system,” said Commissioner Craig Boyer. “It’s not fair to everybody else.”
Beyond the $1.2 million in personal property tax judgments, Morris said an additional $1.7 million in real estate and personal property taxes is due to the county, but noted no judgments have been issued on that money.
Overall, the county collects 94 percent of personal property taxes, Morris said, noting county coffers took in $14.3 million last year.
She said more aggressively pursuing unpaid taxes will help offset stagnant revenue and painful budget cuts in the county, and said she hopes to see the new measures implemented in the next 30 days."