From the Johnson County Daily Journal:
Residents told Johnson County Public Library board members that they must consider that the library of the future could have fewer books on the shelves, and instead offer downloads of the latest best-sellers or classic volumes.
They said at a forum Thursday that the board should recognize that technology will change how residents use libraries and eliminate the need for big buildings.
Residents encouraged the library to consider smaller projects than the $30 million downtown Franklin branch project that voters just defeated in a referendum. They said that technological advancements should shrink the need for physical space and that the library could consider more practical improvements. The library could consider a new entrance closer to the parking lot at the White River branch or a drive-thru drop-off for books.
The $30 million project involved building a new downtown Franklin branch and parking garage, converting the existing State Street branch into administrative offices, remodeling the children’s area at the White River branch and also adding a drop-off for books at that library.