Friday, October 26, 2012

Cloverdale Delays Vote on Budget and Food and Beverage Tax

From the Greencastle Banner Graphic:

The Cloverdale Town Council held a special session on Tuesday evening to adopt the 2012 budget and also to address several issues including parking ordinances and the food and beverage tax.

Keeping with the strict schedule that must be followed with having a budget passed, the Cloverdale Town Council moved to adopt its budget for 2013.

However, with a vote against adopting the budget from Gary Bennington, the adoption will have to wait yet another week.

"There's too many things I don't quite understand," said Bennington. "I'm still confused on one was proposed and then another one was proposed."

As Bennington pointed out to the council, two funds were cut significantly while others were raised. Clerk Treasurer Cheryl Galloway did not have a proper answer as to why the riverboat fund and rainy day fund were decreased.

A possible explanation from Galloway stated that the original advertisement may have been wrong and funds were moved from those funds to make up for the mistake.

Galloway plans on speaking to Paula Walker of O.W. Khron and Associates to receive a better explanation for the second upcoming special session to adopt the budget on Monday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m.

Although, the council had discussed the food and beverage tax prior to the special session, it failed to actually pass the resolution. The board went back and approved the resolution 2012-4, which will allow for letters to be sent out asking for Cloverdale to enforce a food and beverage tax.

It is the hope of the town that the food and beverage tax will be passed in order to lower the surcharges on the recently increased sewer and water bills.
