Monday, July 2, 2012

Munster Using TIF Funds to Obtain Block Grant for Playground

From the Northwest Indiana Times:

Town councils in Munster and St. John are using their Community Development Block Grant funds to improve facilities in their municipalities.

Munster, St. John and other non-entitlement communities receive CDBG funds for infrastructure such as street reconstructions, sanitary sewers, waterline extensions, storm damage improvements, sidewalks and projects to remove architectural barriers for handicapped accessibility.

This year, Munster received $113,540 through the CDBG program, while St. John was given $69,500. Both communities held public hearings to gain residents’ input on how those funds should be used.

The Munster Town Council allocated its funds to complete the Community Park playground to make it handicapped accessible. Gough Inc. was awarded the contract to relocate some playground equipment, demolish obsolete playground equipment and install a poured-in-place surfacing and new equipment.

The project, which began in May, will cost nearly $206,000. The remaining $91,659 needed for the park project will come from Munster’s tax increment financing funds.

In St. John, the Town Council decided to use the CDBG funds to make drainage repairs in the Watts subdivision in one of the oldest sections of town.