From the Northwest Indiana Times:
The Munster Town Council met with department heads and town administrators recently to prepare for fiscal year 2013.
Town Manager Tom DeGiulio presented raw budget numbers submitted by the town’s departments and projected revenue for 2013.
These are based on “conservative revenue estimates given to us by the state, the frozen tax levy and our locally generated revenues,” he said.
Munster adopted a 20-year master plan in May 2011 that provides a map for the town in most long-term planning and capital spending guidelines.
“It is critical that we continue with our aggressive capital improvement programs,” DeGiulio told the Town Council, whose members also comprise the Munster Redevelopment Commission.
That commission controls the tax increment financing money that Munster receives back from the state in property taxes paid by businesses in the TIF district.
Development of The Lake Business Center at Calumet Avenue and Fran-Lin Parkway is an example of the use of TIF dollars for improvements.
“Our investment of $1.5 (million) to over $2 million of street resurfacing in residential and commercial areas ensures our community of a sound infrastructure,” DeGiulio said.
While some funds, including the sewer and water funds, are doing well, the general fund “continues to be hurt the most with the frozen levy” because of increasing costs and limited local revenue, DeGiulio said. Property taxes and building fees are the largest sources of revenue for this fund.
Police and fire departments receive 100 percent of their operation costs from the general fund and represent the biggest general fund expenditure.