Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Muncie Adopts 2013 Budget

From the Muncie Star-Press:

In a 7-2 vote, the council, still controlled by Democrats now working with a Democratic mayor, adopted a budget for 2013.

Other than those provided for contractually, no city employees will be enjoying raises next year. Nora Powell, chairman of the council’s finance committee, asked that pay hikes that had been proposed for a handful of employees be eliminated from the proposed budget.

Final figures weren’t available — the council was still in session late Monday — and City Controller Audrey Jones said she wouldn’t immediately be able to forecast tax rates.

But Mayor Dennis Tyler will be running the city next year with more money at his disposal than he had in 2012. The city’s general fund had been proposed at $24.1 million, up from $22.5 million this year.

See the full article here:
