Tuesday, August 7, 2012

DLGF Denies Clarksville's Cumulative Capital Development Fund Rate Increase

From the Jeffersonville News and Tribune:

The rate increase the Clarksville Town Council passed last week that would have increased the rate on its cumulative capital development fund was denied by the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance.

The DLGF’s decision to deny the rate increase was announced at Monday’s regular meeting of the town council. The DLGF based its decision on the town council’s failure to publish the notice of adoption by Aug. 1.

“They made a determination that based on their current rules that we were a day late, and now we’re a dollar short,” council President John Gilkey said.

The increase passed by the town council at the July 30 special meeting would have moved the rate from $0.022 per $100 of property valuation to $0.05. The increase would have meant an extra $28 in taxes per year per $100,000 of property valuation for Clarksville taxpayers.

The town council had originally attempted to pass the rate increase in anticipation of some major purchases, including fleet vehicles for the town’s police department and a garbage packer.

Town officials said they had attempted to get the notice of adoption published before Aug. 2, but the publishing schedule of the News and Tribune caused the delay. It was not known at press time when the Town of Clarksville attempted to purchase advertising space with the News and Tribune.

The town council can attempt to pass the rate increase again.
