From the Crawfordsville Journal Review:
Calls already have been coming into the Montgomery County Treasurer’s office about when the 2011, pay 2012, property tax bills will arrive, and the answer is soon.
“The bills have been sent to the printer,” Montgomery County Treasurer Janet Johnson said. “There are a few small issues, so we are working with the printers to get them figured out. The good news is they will be out on time again.”
Johnson said originally it was thought the bills would be mailed April 20, but it may be a day or two later than that. Johnson said by state statute the tax bills must be sent by April 25. The spring tax bills will be due May 10.
“We have been getting calls already,” Johnson said. “People want to know when they will be getting their bills. They are coming.”
Residents can view their tax bills by visiting the county’s website at To view the figures, go to the bottom right of the page and click Montgomery County Mapping Department.
“The taxes on farmland went up a little bit and as far as the homestead bills it’s hard to say,” Johnson said. “Some went up a little, some stayed the same and some went down. A lot of it has to do with the property caps and how they fall.”
Once residents have their bills they can mail them or pay them in person at the treasurer’s office on the first floor of the Montgomery County Courthouse.