Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Delaware County Approves Sale of Properties Owned by County

From the Muncie Star-Press:

Delaware County officials are considering a way to get rid of hundreds of properties that have fallen into the county’s hands - and get those parcels back on the property tax rolls.

In their Monday meeting, the commissioners heard from Joe Edwards of SRI - the Indianapolis company that conducts the county’s tax sales - about the possibility of a sale of deeds to properties that are owned by the county.

The county’s typical tax sales, both online and in person, are certificate sales of properties delinquent in taxes. The buyer bids for a chance to own the property, which can be redeemed by the original owner if property taxes are paid.

Edwards noted Monday that 797 local properties, representing more than $3 million in taxes due, are eligible for an upcoming certificate sale. That sale could be held in the spring.

But the county might always hold a deed sale, he said. “The county owns a substantial amount of real estate. A lot of property is in the name of the commissioners.”

Some of the properties are just “slivers of land,” or vacant lots maintained by the homeowner next door.

“We proposed to get rid of the ones the county doesn’t own on purpose,” Edwards said.


The commissioners authorized Edwards and SRI to pursue both certificate and deed sales.
