Thursday, August 8, 2013

News Reports State Mandate "Snarls" St. Paul Budget

From the Shelbyville News:

Perplexed by an order from the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance to trim 33 percent from its modest 2014 proposed budget or submit an estimate to the state 10 percent higher than it’s current estimate, St. Paul officials chose the latter Tuesday.

Hoping to hear an explanation of how the DLGF arrived at the numbers, town council members said the estimated budget is subject to amendment before being submitted Nov. 1.

The DLGF reviews and approves tax rates and levies of every political subdivision in the state including counties, cities, towns, school corporations and libraries to ensure property tax assessment and local government budgeting comply with Indiana law.

Town clerk and treasurer Melissa Coulter met with a department

representative prior to Tuesday’s meeting who told her that based on property taxes and levies, the Town of St. Paul’s general fund could not exceed $75,000 in 2014.

This being the time of year many towns, cities and counties begin budget discussions for next year, Coulter provided the town board with a budget proposal consisting of about $120,000 in the general fund used to support town services like police, fire and parks, community development, administrative support services and planning.

She said she was at a loss as to where to cut the $40,000 mandated by the DLGF, a sentiment reflected by the town council.
