Friday, August 9, 2013

Times Reports Clay County Appropriates $450,000 of Wheel Tax Money

From the Brazil Times:

Through the next month, a number of roads around Clay County may be grinded up.

At the August regular meeting Monday, the Clay County Council appropriated $250,000 from the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund to be used to cover the costs for roadwork to be done by the Clay County Highway Department throughout the month of August. This was the second appropriation of Wheel Tax money for the year. So far, the county has appropriated $450,000 of Wheel Tax money.
Clay County Commissioner Paul Sinders said the county rented a grinder and special roller from Southeastern and began work Monday on Lower Bloomington Road from State Road 59 to Cory/Staunton Road.

"We are doing something we have not done for a few years," Sinders said. "We are going to grind up some roads."

Sinders said the $250,000 appropriated by the council would cover the materials needed to complete the roadwork such as purchasing chip and seal as well as oil. An additional $23,700 was also appropriated to cover the rented equipment, which costs $20,700, and the extra $3,000 would be used for an excavator and additional tow trucks if needed this winter.